Manga Reviews

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Salad Days

Salad Days
Scanslated by Salad Dressings
Length: 18 Volumes (complete)

Topic: Romance

Warning: Mild Nudity

A collection of short and often unrelated love stories, ranging from fairly standard schoolyard romances to the occasional tale of supernatural romance. Some of the stories are happy and heartwarming, while some are more bittersweet. The "central" storyline doesn't begin until a few volumes into the compilation, but nevertheless is one of the most memorable. It tells the story of Yuuki and Futaba, how the two meet, and the different ups and downs of their relationship. Along the way, different characters make cameo appearances, and many have their own stories of love and heartbreak to tell.

The scanslation quality is far from great, but the stories really are worth it. If you're new to manga and image quality can turn you on or off a story, this may not be for you, but if you're in the mood for something sweet and a bit sappy, Salad Days hits the spot.

Rating: 7.0/10.0

-- Review submitted by p00kie


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